WCW Mayhem - (1999) Tommy Boy Records

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Insane Clown Posse
"Take It"
WCW Mayhem: The Music
Tommy Boy Records

This Insane Clown Posse track was originally composed for Vampiro, but was adopted as the stable theme for the Deadpool, a group which evolved from from an initial idea to pair ICP and Vampiro as a stable called "The Necrowarriors." That idea came about after Raven, who was supposed to lead ICP in WCW storylines, suffered a torn rotator cuff and was sidelined from action. However, Raven was still ultimately paired with ICP and their new charge, Vampiro, as the manager and leader of the newly christened "Deadpool" -- a name Raven chose himself as a morbid in-joke in regards to his life expectancy as a result of his wild lifestyle. Raven led the Deadpool in WCW from July 19, 1999 until his departure from WCW on August 23, 1999.

song lyrics: "take it"

download: "take it" - realaudio [full audio] | mp3 [full audio]

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