Stuck Mojo - Rising - (1998)

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Stuck Mojo
Century Media/Caroline Records

Raven and several members of his "Flock" stable in World Championship Wrestling [including Billy Kidman, Lodi, Ron Reis, Sick Boy, Hammer, and Scotty Riggs] starred in the music video for this track by the Atlanta-based metal band, which coincidentally was also directed by WCW wrestler Diamond Dallas Page, a close friend of Raven's. The video also served as the catalyst for a feud between Raven and Page over the WCW United States Heavyweight Title, a copy of which graces the cover of this album. This occurred when Raven attacked DDP on MTV Live, when he was being interviewed about the video, along with the Foo Fighters by Carson Daly, and stole the US Title from Page after evenflowing him on the MTV set. Stuck Mojo even includes this video on the CD enhanced version of their album. Band member Rick Ward is also married to one-time WCW valet Daffney Unger.

song lyrics: "rising"

download: "rising" [full audio] - real audio
----------o-"rising" [full video] - real video
----------o-"rising" [mp3 - full audio] - mp3

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