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Wizard - Off The Cuff: Raven
By Andre D. Shell
Wizard: The Guide To Comics

Off The Cuff - Casual Conversation with Raven
Current Work: WCW Wrestler, currently writing a comic book proposal


Wizard: Have you ever caught another wrestler checking you out in the locker room?

Raven: Well, I've caught many of the women checking me out, and I'm sure some of the men have checked me out too.

Wizard: Really?

Raven: Yeah, but I don't really care to comment, because I might have to engage in combat with them for exposing their tendencies.

Wizard: We don't want to air any dirty laundry here. Speaking of which, how bad do locker rooms smell? Real bad?

Raven: Absolutely. Actually, it depends on the promotion. The smaller the business, the worse it smells. By the way, I have to shamelessy plug Classic Comics in Atlanta, GA, for my shameless friend who owns it. Can you put that in?

Wizard: I'll see what I can do.

Raven: Okay, because Raven is, if anything, irreverent. You'll notice I'm taking this interview where I want to.

Wizard: It's your show, dude. Have you ever hit anybody with a stop sign outside of a wrestling arena?

Raven: Oh, yeah. The best was when Diamond Dallas Page was being interviewed on MTV by that Carson Daly idiot. All of a sudden I came out of nowhere and dinged him with the stop sign. I hit him so hard that my ears rung for like a day. The Foo Fighters were there and they shit their pants. It was hilarious.

Wizard: Is anybody on your hit list? I personally wouldn't mind smashing that Ally McBeal chick with a steel chair.

Raven: I think she'd crumple like a pancake.

Wizard: That would be awesome! Say where's the weirdest place a fan ever asked you to sign an autograph?

Raven: [Laughing] In her, umm, vaginal region.

Wizard: Wow! I gotta start wrestling. How do I get in?

Raven: Well, you have to jump off a two-story building and crash through a couple of tables. Then you can pay me 12 grand and I'll make a couple of phone calls and see what I can do.

Wizard: You know what? Jumping off the building doesn't sound so bad, but the 12 grand I just can't swing. You gotta remember, I work for Wizard.

Raven: Okay, I'll just make you jump off the building, then.

Wizard: You got it.

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