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WCW Monday Nitro: Raven vs. Disco Inferno: (3.1.98) - Raven vs. Disco Inferno - could there be two more different personalities? Disco runs in with his usual aggression and takes the early advantage. The match goes to the outside where he continues to dominate until Raven reverses a whip and sends him crashing into the railing. Raven breaks off the attack to throw a chair into the ring. Back inside, Disco reverses a beale attempt and slams Raven face first onto the chair. He continues to dominate for several seconds then Raven slips in his DDT and gets the pin.

WINNER: Raven via pinfall

Raven Appearance: Hammer vs. Diamond Dallas Page - Hammer is in the ring and takes the mic from the ring announcer. He calls DDP back out. DDP responds and gets whacked as he enters the ring. Hammer uses his size advantage to retain the initiative for several minutes. Of course it ends when DDP gets him into position for a quick Diamond Cutter. Raven then attacks and has the advantage until Benoit shows up to even the odds. DDP recovers and throws a punch but hits Benoit by mistake. They start trading punches until Raven tries to enter the frey - then they attack him in unison. Cut to commercial.

WINNER: No Contest


WCW Thunder: Raven Interview: (3.4.98) - Live from the Greater Ohio Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. Diamond Dallas Page will defend the US Title against Raven tonight.

Mike Tenay calls Raven to the ring for an interview. The Birdman comes down and slumps in the corner. Tenay has to stoop to interview him. He mentions the fact that Raven and DDP had the same mentor in the business. Raven whines about what a bad life he's had while DDP became famous. He plans to win the U.S. Title tonight. His past pain is palpable.

WCW U.S. Title Match: Raven vs. Diamond Dallas Page - Raven gives DDP "one last chance" to beg him for forgiveness. He declares the match to be held under Raven's rules. DDP tells the referree to leave the ring. This begs the question of how either of them can actually win the match... They fight to the back of the arena and end up behind the stands where they encounter Chris Benoit thus turning this into a Three-way dance. No way to figure how anyone can be the victor here. Now they're back in the ring...all three of them!!! Ron Ryes (Big Ronn Studd) shows up to get involved, then Saturn puts the Rings on Benoit. They haul a safety rail into the ring and start throwing people onto it as we cut to commercial.

WINNER: No Contest


WCW Monday Nitro: Raven/DDP/Benoit Video: (3.8.98) - Video Package hyping their match at Uncensored.

Raven & Saturn (w/the Flock at ringside) vs. Chris Benoit & Diamond Dallas Page - the DDP/Benoit team holds the advantage until we go to commercial.

DDP is being doubleteamed as we return. Is Saturn growing more hair these days..? DDP struggles mightily to escape but the opponents are keeping him tied up. He manages to make the tag but it is unobserved and disallowed by the distracted referee. Caught in a bearhug, DDP tries to come back to life but he is losing steam. Then he applies a bell ringer but is caught immediately and finds himself on the receiving end once more. Saturn executes a guillotine legdrop and forces Benoit to make the save. Finally, Benoit gets in against Raven and cleans house. He puts the Crossface on Raven but then DDP catches Saturn in a Diamond Cutter and lands on Benoit. This results in a brawl between the partners and a count out as they fight their way up the aisle. Bobby wants to go watch the continuing fight backstage but Tony tells him to stick around. Bobby looks like his feeling were hurt.

WINNERS: Raven & Saturn via pinfall


WCW Thunder: Raven vs. Brad Armstrong: (3.11.98) - Brad Armstrong vs. Raven (w/the Flock at ringside) - Raven takes the mic and invite Brad to bow out - he goes on to recite some of Brads accomplishments and mentions how his career has gone in more recent years. He says that for years the promoters have been jealous of his father (Bullet Bob Armstrong) and have taken it out on him. It sounds like a recruiting pitch. Then he grabs hold of a DDT and the match ends in one move. Cut to commercial.

WINNER: Raven via pinfall


WCW Uncensored PPV: Triple Jeopardy Match: Raven vs. DDP vs. Chris Benoit: (3.14.98) - Chris Benoit vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Raven - Triple-threat US Title match - this a typical - no holds barred match ala Raven's rules. The do a triple collar and elbow tie up to start - something I've never seen before. The action takes a while getting started. The second triple lockup falls out to the floor. DDP gets run into the steps and Raven/Benoit go at it back in the ring. DDP comes back in and prevents a pin by Raven - he's saving his own title. Benoit and Raven fall out to the floor and DDP splashes both of them. DDP seems to be staying on his feet and stomping on the other two a lot. Benoit keeps concentrating on Raven forcing DDP to repeatedly save the Flock leader. Now Benoit and DDP are fighting on the outside so that Benoit gets to splash the two of them. The referee is out there and counting people on the floor (pinfalls count anywhere). Whenever someone tries to get a pin, the third person is there to prevent it. Benoit and DDP struggle on the ramp as Raven goes and gets a trash can. DDP and Benoit then team up to dump the trash can over Raven's body then beat on the can with crutches grabbed from someone at ringside. The fight goes up the ramp where Raven and Benoit cooperate to smash DDP repeatedly into the lighted Uncensored sign. Now there is enem a kitchen sink involved!! Benoit and Raven continue to battle while DDP is still laying in the ruins of the sign at the top of the ramp. They get a table involved plus a velvet rope (like a theater barrier). Back in the ring, Raven slips in a low blow forearm shot then goes out and gets another chair. Benoit beats him to the punch and drop-toe-holds Raven face first onto it. He then wedges the chair in the corner. We see DDP dragging himself back toward the ring. Benoit flings Raven into the wedged chair. The fight goes out to the floor briefly then back in the ring. DDP is still crawling toward the ring. Benoit gets a sleeper in the center of the ring but DDP arrives in time to put a similar move on Benoit. Raven executes a jawbreaker and all three are down. Raven gets up and Benoit is close behind. Benoit starts his German suplex series but on the second one DDP grabs him from behind and suplex both of his opponents!! Now Raven and Benoit seem to be cooperating again. Lodi hands a sign to Raven that reads "Use my Sign" He brains DDP with it - it turns out to be a disguised metal Stop sign. Raven has a table in the ring and Benoit watches as he sets it up. The next thing we know Raven and Benoit are strugggling to see who will get super-plexed onto the table. DDP runs up and knocks Benoit away - he at first tries to get into position for a super-plex, then changes it to a Diamond Cutter onto the table. He gets the pin on Raven to retain the US Title. Afterward, in a show of respect, Benoit helps DDP to his feet.

WINNER and STILL U.S. CHAMPION: Diamond Dallas Page


WCW Monday Nitro: Raven vs. Chris Benoit: (3.15.98) - Club La Vela Spring Break Nitro. Raven makes a speech before the match predicting that this will end his feud with Benoit...don't count on it... Benoit does his buzzsaw impression to start the contest. Tony tells us that the winner of this match will face DDP for the US Title at the next PPV. They brawl out of the ring and across the pool then back again. Raven continues to take punishment waiting for Benoit to make a mistake leading up to a commercial.

Benoit has Raven in a Crippler Crossface on the deck as we return. They continue to fight outside the ring until Benoit drags Raven back in. Benoit continues his unrelenting assault. He stands his opponent up in the corner and chops him mercilessly. Then he drops him in the center of the ring and starts slapping him. Benoit seems to be losing his temper - not a good sign. He puts on a series of three snap suplexes then he goes to the top for a flying headbutt and misses. Raven goes out for a chair then bulldogs Benoit face first onto it. They struggle for position and Benoit attempts to drop Raven's arm onto the chair - but smashes his own forehead instead. Raven DDT's his opponent on the now-collapsed chair and gets the pin, beating Benoit cleanly in the middle of the ring.

WINNER: Raven via pinfall


WCW Thunder: Raven Video Package: (3.18.00) - Clips from MTV Live featuring Ravens attack on DDP on (3/17/00). DDP is in the studio, Raven appears on a monitor and is whining about how he is being overlooked. As Page and the VJ's watch Raven on the monitor, Raven runs in in person and bashes DDP with a Stop sign. He takes the WCW U.S. Title belt.

Raven vs. Brad Armstrong - this is a rematch from last Thursday. Before anything can start the Flock hits the ring and destroys Brad. Reese drags Armstrong over so that Raven can rant at him then turn his attention to DDP. His speech is completely self- absorbed as usual. He then grabs Armstrong and applies the DDT then goes back to his ringside seat. Cut to commercial. WINNER: No Contest


WCW Monday Nitro: Raven/DDP Video Package: (3.22.98) - Clips from MTV Live during DDP's appearance and the subsequent attack by Raven.


WCW Thunder: Raven Appearance: Diamond Dallas Page vs. Saturn: (3.25.98) - Diamond Dallas Page vs. Saturn - U.S. Title match - the match is pretty even during the first few exchanges but eventually Saturn takes the advantage. He is using submission maneuvers to greta effect but DDP can't be put down so easily. The match begins to see-saw but still favors Saturn for the most part. Page finally turns the tables with his fists. He goes for a Diamond Cutter but is thwarted by a jawbreaker. Raven appears on the platform at this point and taunts DDP with the U.S. belt he stole from Page. A distracted Page still manages to put a Diamond Cutter on his opponent as he flies off the top turnbuckle. But rather then take the pin he chooses to chase Raven into the back area and is counted out. Cut to commercial.

WINNER: Saturn via Countout


WCW Monday Nitro: Raven Appearance: Saturn vs. Fit Finlay: (3.30.98) - Saturn (w/the Flock) vs. Fit Finley - Raven enters carrying the US Title as usual of late. Two of the real tough guys hook it up in this one. Both use a similar mix of mat wrestling and hard contact brawling styles. Finley takes the early advantage and seems to have a little more guile on his side. Saturn finally uses an eye shot to turn the tables but Finley comes back immediately and retakes the advantage. Saturn uses a fall-away suplex to grab the initiative once more but again Finley comes roaring back. A quick suplex gives Saturn the break he needs to hook in the Rings and take the fall. Cut to Mean Gene at the ramp. He hawks the WCW Hotline. Cut to commercial.

WINNER: Saturn via pinfall

Raven vs. Buff Bagwell - Raven vs. Buff Bagwell (w/Scott Norton) - This match doesn't really happen. Raven makes a condescending speech before the match. It is his usual whining rant about what an awful childhood he had and how Diamond Dallas Page has done him wrong. Raven refers to the U.S. Belt as if he won it himself. Even refers to his time in ECW - saying that Page could have "made a call" and got him into the WCW. Buff poses then gets a good laugh out of Raven's physique. Raven comes on aggressive but Buff out-maneuvers him. DDP comes down as the match gets underway, Raven grabs the stolen US Title belt and runs away with Page on his tail.

WINNER: Buff by Countout

DDP joins the broadcast team - usurping Heenan's place. He wants to tell his side of the Raven/DDP saga. He claims that Raven has a selective memory. He mentions Scott Levy's silver spoon upbringing and compares it to his own impoverished childhood. He says Raven doesn't know the meaning of the word "hardship". Cut to commercial.

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