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WCW Monday Nitro: Raven Video: (5.05.98) - Raven video package. He's talking about how the sound of his parent's fury was harsh, but their silence was deafening. It includes some cool atomic bomb detonation stock footage as well.

"Loser leaves the Flock:" Saturn vs. Hammer - Kidman promises that there will be no interference from the Flock - humm. The implication is that Raven probably wants Saturn to win. Hammer gets a cool backslide airplane spin and a lariat for 2. Hammer with a reverse slam. Saturn fires back with a German suplex. Into the corner. Chops from Saturn. Big kicks to the body and head from Saturn. Lariat and both men go over the top to the outside. In a split screen, we see the Flock watching from the locker room. Meanwhile, Saturn is coming off the top, but Hammer catches him and slams him. To the corner, Hammer with kicks. Up to the top turnbuckle. Hammer attempts a superplex, and hits it! Saturn is up, though. Punch, Saturn is down. Hammer ready to try a monkey flip but Saturn kicks him away and Hammer's throat hits the top rope. We have a chair in the ring. Saturn does a Sabu-like dropkick off the chair. A second one hits referee Scott Dickinson. Hammer grabs the chair, but Saturn dropkicks the chair onto Hammer's face. Now there's a vendor in the ring! Saturn is leveled with a drink tray - now Hammer is hit, but he lands on Saturn - Dickinson is up - 1, 2, 3! (4:16) Well, that's interesting - Hammer wins.

WINNER: Hammer via pinfall.

Raven/DDP Segment - We cut to the locker room, where Raven gets up to come to the ring, but he's met by - DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE, a bullrope, and a stop sign. DDP takes out the flock with the stop sign and ties up Raven with the bullrope. They brawl to the outside, then to the ring. I guess we have a bonus match here. When DDP whips Raven over the ropes, hanging him, security finally comes out and we take a break. Raven T-shirt commercial follows.


MTV Ultimate Music Video Feud: Raven Appearance: (5.16.98) - An early attempt by MTV to cash in on the growing popularity of wrestling. The premise of this show is that throughout music history, musicians have feuded with each other over one reason or another. David Lee Roth feuded with Van Halen, Courtney Love feuded with Madonna for a brief period at the 1997 MTV Music Video Awards. This was MTV's way to exploit that. How it worked was you had people call an 800 number representing one of these celebrities and 2 wrestlers representing each star would wrestle with the outcome decided by the phone tally with one wrestler/musician being the ultimate winner. However, there were a few snafus in this being accomplished.

For starters, rain - It rained the day this was being taped outside in New York. Since wrestlers can't reschedule it had to be filmed anyway. This meant a tiny crowd present and the ring was completely soaked, so basically no wrestling happened period. What happened is clips of each video were shown and the wrestler representing them would do a promo urging the audience to vote for the person they represented. Some wrestlers, like El Ultimo Dragon couldn't even speak English making this an exercise in futility. However the show went on and from the starters some things were obvious.

The show was blatantly rigged to set-up an angle for DDP and Raven at the end of the show. For starters, 2 members of Raven's Flock, Sick Boy and Kidman, were involved. Kidman represented Madonna, or so it seemed, while Sick Boy represented David Bowie. Kidman went up against Ultimo Dragon who was representing TLC. When the tally came in, Kidman handily beat Ultimo Dragon/TLC. At this point, Carson Daly and Matt Pinfield said Kidman was actually representing TLC and there was a mix-up in who they were representing, so Kidman was eliminated. After all, you couldn't have the heels winning. Ditto with Sick vs. Hugh Morrus representing David Lee Roth. Sick Boy handily lost.

Now we get to Raven. Raven obviously didn't want to be there, but showed up regardless. Raven, per his grunge rock gimmick, was representing Courtney Love of Hole. His promos during the competition consisted of his repeatedly mocking Daly and encouraging viewers to NOT vote for him so he could lose and thus go home.

Music Video Feud #1: Courtney Love (represented by Raven) vs. Madonna (represented by El Ultimo Dragon) - Raven comes down, Matt Pinfield does a great job of selling him as a bad guy, only to have Schiavone and Tenay call him the leader of "robotized sheep" - ignoring the point that this was a good opportunity for cross-promotion that they should've pushed him a real bad ass. They play clips of Raven and DDP's feud, which was THE hot feud in WCW in 1998 over the U.S. Belt. Raven comes up to Daly and starts to mock him, saying that:

"Obviously, the only way to get on MTV is either be a corporate rock puppet, or to stand in the rain like a ridiculous fool."

(Daly had been a target of zingers by Raven and the Flock all say, Kidman even insisting that Madonna wrote a song about him once called "Like a Virgin." Daly's lame comeback being that she wrote a sequel that was much longer. Carson is obviously wit-impaired.)

Either way, Raven urges the the voters to not vote for him so he can leave:

"Let me get this straight; if I lose, I can leave? Vote for Madonna!"

Raven overwhelmingly beats Ultimo Dragon and Courtney Love moves on to the finals

Finals: Courtney Love (represented by Raven) vs. Van Halen (represented by DDP and Kimberly) - Courtney beats out Van Halen. Kidman comes down instead of Raven says that Raven went home because he was so disgusted by this idiocy and claims his MTV Music Video Championship Belt. DDP then diamond cuts him. Raven runs to the ring and nails DDP with a stop sign. DDP then takes the upper hand and hangs Raven over the top rope with a bullrope and Raven and Kidman are beaten. DDP celebrates in the crowd.


WCW Monday Nitro: Raven/J.J. Dillon Segment (5.18.98) - Let us take you back to MTV's "Ultimate Music Video Feud" where DDP and Raven get into a knock down dragout brawl, and DDP HANGS Raven by a bullrope.

Mean Gene introduces J.J. Dillon, who is followed by Raven. Apparently, Raven's filed a grievance due to all these awful, unprovoked attacks from DDP, fans, beer guys - there's a pattern, it is contended, a pattern contributing to an "unsafe work environment" and a possible breach of contract. The result: WCW will spring for four "riot control officers" to serve as Raven's shadow. Of course, they're all conveniently masked by riot gear including helmet. With that out of the way, Raven brings out the Flock, promises to find out the man responsible for the attacks, challenges Diamond Dallas Page to a "bowery death match" (enclosed cage, must answer a ten count after pinfall to continue), and then calls out Saturn. Last week, you'll recall, Hammer defeated Saturn in a loser leaves the flock match. This week we find out that "loser leaves the flock" referred to Hammer being a loser, not to the loser of the match. So they all beat up Hammer. Anyway, somewhere in all this Jerry Flynn runs out and gets squashed by Saturn in about a minute.

Raven Appearance: Lenny Lane vs. DDP - DDP beats Lenny Lane and then calls out Raven and his riot cops. Raven comes out for a minute, then leaves DDP looking like a fool by not acknowledging him.


WCW Slamboree: Raven vs. DDP: Bowery Death Match: (5.24.98) - In case you're curious, WCW now calls this same match the "House Of Pain." They had garbage cans filled with objects inside the cage. It was ECW-ish in that respect, even including an exploding VCR shot. But along the way, they managed to insert a tiny bit of chain wrestling and include a little bit of psychology. Raven used the Diamond Cutter but didn't get a pin because only DDP can do the move correctly. During the match, the riot squad turned out to include Billy Kidman & Horace Boulder. Reese came out to help open the cage. Hammer turned up and stopped Reese by using the STOP sign and handcuffing him to the guard rail. DDP hit diamond cutters on Horace and Kidman. After the match, a third riot squad member came in and handcuffed Raven to the cage in a spread eagle position. The riot squad member unmasked as Mortis and then took that mask off to reveal somebody who didn't look that much like Chris Kanyon any more. He destroyed Raven via a chairshot to the head (ECW style) and walked out. Apparently, the security had the keys to all of the handcuffs.

WINNER: DDP via standing up at the count of ten.


WCW Monday Nitro: Raven Interview: (5.25.98) - Raven, the Riot Squad, Kidman, Horace, and Lodi come out. Lodi comes back to action after having his ankle broken by Psychosis. Raven rants on about Mortis (who has been attacking him), Saturn (who has been ignoring him because of his selfish desire for the U.S. Title at Slamboree), and his misfortunes in life, etc. Raven goes on to fire Kidman, Lodi, and Horace, in an attempt to get Saturn back. Lodi gets a DDT when he protests his firing. Saturn ignores Raven. Raven pouts.

Raven Appearance: Glacier vs. Saturn - Glacier vs. Saturn - lockup, no. Lockup, Glacier with a leg sweep. Lodi is conspicuous in the front row. Saturn with knees to the gut and a leg sweep of his own. Staredown, shoving match. Palm thrust by Glacier, round kick and down goes Saturn. Saturn gets up and matches him again. Headlock by Saturn, wristlock, reverse, elbows by Glacier, big kick. To the corner, repeated kicks and elbows by Glacier. Pose by Glacier. Saturn takes the advantage, moves Glacier into the corner and kicks away to the body AND the head. Whip into the corner, but Glacier puts up a boot for Saturn to run into. Tony says "booed lustily." Hey, there's Raven! Meantime, Saturn has suplexed Glacier, and bodyslams him. Saturn to the top, but the splash meets the knees. Glacier with a slap. Whip, miss, both men go down hard. We turn to Raven, who is suddenly attacked from behind, by ex-Flockie Hammer. Before Hammer can get to Saturn, he eats a Cryonic kick from Glacier - this gives Saturn the opening to deliver the Spicolli driver for the pin. (4:15) Raven and Saturn have a staredown, and Saturn walks away. Raven says "What about me?" until they have ANOTHER staredown, and Saturn walks away again.

WINNER: Saturn via pinfall

Kanyon Video Package - This is an "anonymously delivered home video" from the former Mortis - Feb. 12 Mortis died, but the man survived. At Slamboree, the chairshot heard 'round the world was delivered and Kanyon was reborn. He'll be around...we don't know when, where, or who he'll be, but he will. And Raven better worry...


WCW Thunder: Raven Appearance: Saturn vs. Hammer: (5.28.98) - Raven runs in and helps Saturn win by distracting Hammer so Saturn can DVD him. Raven then grabs the mic and appeals to Saturn to rejoin him. They've been friends forever, he's fired the Flock, etc. Saturn is miffed that Raven even thinks Saturn needs help. But Raven makes a convincing argument that it's the thought that counts. Saturn agrees and they're back together. Raven then gets nutty and sees a vendor and thinks it's Kanyon. Saturn and the riot cops chase him, only to have Kanyon come in disguised as another vendor hit Raven with the Flatliner. Saturn and the cops miss Kanyon and Saturn helps Raven up to his feet.

WINNER: Saturn via pinfall

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