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ECW Wrestling on TNN: Raven Interference: "The Canadian Superstar" Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie vs. Tommy Dreamer w/ Francine: (10/29/99) - This match was being hyped a lot during the show by Styles and Gertner as a "gratuitous catfight" could break out at any minute between Dawn Marie and Francine. They showed several recaps of Dawn "spanking" Tammy last week on ECW and clocking Ms. Congeniality [Lita]. Tommy comes out in street clothes and he and Lance have a wild brawl on the outside of the ring. Highlights of the match include Dreamer setting Lance Storm up on a ladder, walking the second tightrope of the ECW ropes and doing yet another highlight reel spot yelling "ECW" into the crowd, only to MISS Lance and hit his elbow directly on the ladder in a sickening spot. Eventually Dreamer gets control after a crippled Dreamer hits Storm with the Spiccoli Driver. Dreamer goes for the pin only to have Dawn Marie interfere and grab Dreamer to save Storm from losing. At this point, Francine runs in and a "gratuitous catfight" breaks out. We are then treated to a surveillance camera type angle from above the ring as Raven runs down to the ring. Raven the runs in and DDT's Tommy Dreamer yet again, allowing Lance Storm to roll over and pin Dreamer for the 3 count. Raven then makes his way down the ramp, only to bump into Justin Credible, who backs away from Raven only to whack him about the head with his trusty Singapore Cane. Raven then staggers about the ringside ramp, to eventualy fall off. At this point, Raven's forehead is gushing blood as Justin keeps beating on Raven. Raven is then beaten to a bloody mess and drug into the ring where the Impact Players do their trademark pose as Lance drags Raven down to his knees into submission. Dreamer then runs in and breaks up the Impact Players victory celebration by rushing them with a steel chair.
WINNER: Lance Storm

Raven/Dreamer Segment - After the "Extreme Replay," Raven grabs the mic and slumps down in the corner. Breathing heavily and absolutely drenched in and oozing blood from his forehead, Raven cuts a promo. Raven says he may hate the Impact Players, but he f***ing hates Dreamer even more. He says Tommy is just like the ECW fans, trying to leech onto his stardom and filled with debauchery and decadence. Raven says after everything is said and done, Dreamer wants to be just like Raven but he never will be. Dreamer then gets Raven and DDT's him. Dreamer then cradles Raven's bloody head in his hands and sarcastically says "We're buddies, we're pals. I'm stuck with you, you're stuck with f***ing me." Afterwards, Raven does a backstage promo where he says that Lance will never be as big a name as him, and Justin will never be Raven, period. He says he is all alone and had to be stitched up by EMT's after his caning, but Justin will feel his pain. "Quote not just the coolest, Quote not just the best, Quote the Raven, nevermore . . ."


ECW Wrestling on TNN: Raven Interference: Chris "Mr. No Gimmicks Needed" Candido vs. Nova: (10/22/99) - Candido, just like last week, showed no signs of ring rust and Nova, as he always is, was on top of his game. The fast-paced match which featured great action was unfortunately cut short by Danny Doring, Roadkill, & Miss Congeniality. All three attempted to clear house, but that didn't last for long. Candido and Nova, upset that the match was rudely cut short, teamed up on Roadkill and Doring. A catfight ensued with Tammy Lynn Sytch trying to take out Miss Congeniality. Nova then finished off Doring and Roadkill hitting them with a pescado. As Chris and Tammy were standing in the middle of the ring, we hear the unmistakable strains of "El Phantasmo" by White Zombie as The Canadian Superstar from Calgary . . . Alberta . . . Canada, Lance Storm, comes out to the ring accompanied by his personal Bytch, Dawn Marie. As Lance and Dawn distracted Tammy and Chris, Doring, Roadkill and Miss Congeniality all attacked again, gaining the advantage. Storm, Doring, and Roadkill held Candido in the corner making him unable to come to the aid of Tammy. Dawn Marie then brought a paddle into play and used the services of Miss Congeniality to help lift Tammy's skirt, hold her, and spank her. After the two humiliated Tammy, Dawn then smacked Miss Congeniality in the head with the paddle. This was what Dawn Marie meant by taking out the competition. She wants to be the only girl in ECW. Dawn Marie gets on the mic and calls out the last girl in ECW besides herself, "The Queen of Extreme" Francine. Out comes Francine, with a new hairdo, accompanied by the "Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer. Lance gets on the mic and asks if he's holding back Francine, or if Francine is holding him back. Lance then says that Dreamer hasn't been able to wrestle since Storm injured his back, and then Storm says that that's not the only thing Dreamer hasn't been able to do since then, raising Dreamer's ire and goading him into the ring. With Dreamer facing off with Storm and Francine fighting with Dawn Marie, Justin Credible, always the opportunist, stormed the ring and nailed Dreamer with the Singapore cane. Raven then runs into the ring and comes face-to-face with Justin Credible, who draws an imaginary line in the sand in front of Raven, daring him to cross. Raven does cross it, which brings Lance Storm in to face Raven, while Justin sneaks up from behind to attempt to cane Raven. Dreamer then rushes Justin, while Raven takes care of Lance Storm. Dreamer and Raven then stand back to back, which is all the excuse Raven needed for an Evenflow DDT on Dreamer. Raven then leaves . . . again. Dreamer then calls Raven out to finish it now. Raven gets in the ring, but then leaves again to a chorale of boos.

WINNER: No Contest


ECW Wrestling on TNN: Corino/Dreamer Confrontation: (10/15/99) - The ECW show started off with a match between David Cash and Tom Marquez, two new wrestlers who showed some potential. A few minutes into the match, Steve Corino and his 'rookie monster' Rhino run into the ring wearing Atlanta Falcons football team jerseys. Rhino hits two spears on Marquez and Cash that put Goldberg to shame. Corino then calls out two "f***ing p*ssies" sitting at ringside, a couple of members of the New Orleans Saints football team sitting at ringside, whom the Atlanta Falcons beat the week before, explaining the jerseys. Rhino and the players start to fight, but it's broken up by Tommy Dreamer, who is then called out to a match by Corino. This leads to . . .

Raven Interference: Steve Corino vs. Tommy Dreamer - They start to climb the bleachers, and Corino throws his opponent off. They come back to the ring, and Corino climbs the top tunbuckle. Dreamer pulls down Corino's pants, and, in a heavily censored scene, hits Corino's bare ass with a steel chair. Then Dreamer puts Corino in Tajiri's finisher, the Tarantula. Jack Victory climbs the turnbuckle, but Francine kicks him off the apron. Tajiri comes out to help Corino and kicks Dreamer right in the face. Tajiri then chases Francine away after a pair of missed spinning heel kicks. Raven then makes his way to ringside, and DDT's Tajiri. It then looks like he is going to DDT Corino but instead 'Evenflows' Dreamer. Raven then sulks in the corner, but just as Corino is about to get a 3 count, Dreamer reverses the pin and gets the 3 on Corino. Raven then starts applauding and raises the near unconscious Dreamer's hand off of the apron and leaves.

WINNER: Tommy Dreamer via pinfall.

Raven Promo: Raven in the Big Easy - This was part of a montage of promos shown to the tune of Dick Dale's surf punk classic 'Miserlou' (aka the 'Pulp Fiction' theme) at the end of the ECW show. Raven is shown walking down Bourbon Street in New Orleans followed by a mob of drunken young people. He talks about New Orleans being a den of iniquity and realizes that his own condemned soul is better than being like these people following him who have no souls at all.

In the second part, Raven is talking about all the fools following him and how, seeing their idiocy, he finally feels Dreamer's pain in carrying them. He then spins and cackles about feeling Dreamer's pain.

In the last part, Raven mocks Dreamer's status as a babyface and tells Dreamer fans are akin to parasites that latch onto you for your stardom and not to feel sorry for Raven because he knows he's a piece of garbage and life has dealt him what he deserves.


ECW Wrestling on TNN: Raven/Dreamer Locker Room Confrontation: (10/1/99) - As the ECW show comes on the air, we are treated to a Dreamer/Raven montage of clips. It shows us Raven's return to ECW at the Madhouse of Extreme as well as various clips of Raven doing the Crucifix. As they show one of bloody Dreamer covered in barbed wire facing down his arch-nemesis, Raven. Joey Styles informs the audience that Raven and Dreamer have had a locker room altercation. They also have an "ECW Breaking News" graphic announcing the same thing. The details are sketchy, but we're supposed to get updates throughout the show, so stay tuned.
Styles/Gertner Announcer Segment - They show some more clips of Raven and Dreamer. Styles then breaks the news that they got into a fist fight because Dreamer doesn't want Raven's help anymore. Gertner then laughs and says Raven is the only man who can help the injured Dreamer as tonight he takes on the Japanese Buzzsaw, Yoshihiro Tajiri, in a singles match.

Raven Interference: Tommy Dreamer (w/Francine) vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri (w/Steve Corino & Jack Victory) - Tajiri was accompanied by Corino and Jack Victory, who looks more like the former Sandman every week. This was as good a match as you can expect from the injured Dreamer. Tajiri was on tonight, as he was doing his Great Muta impersonation dead on. Match started inside the ring with a lot of good spots. Dreamer hits a backslide chairshot on Tajiri in the Tree of Woe after Tajiri messed up an insane backslide into the corner after he had Dreamer in the same spot. Dreamer did the Great Muta "kill" gesture by acting like he was slashing his throat. He then hit Tajiri with Tajiri's own Tarantula submission in the ropes, which looked really bizarre. The brawl then went outside into the crowd. Tajiri hit a lot of credible short roundhouse kicks to Dreamer's leg and Dreamer just brawled to the point where Tajiri ended up blading to sell the beating. Dreamer and Tajiri made it all the way through the arena all the way to a penalty box where Styles cracked that if wrestling was like hockey, Dreamer would always be in there. Dreamer then did a highlight reel spot and chanted ECW while doing the Crucifix. They finally made it back to the ring after Dreamer chugged a beer and spit in Tajiri's face, a la Great Muta's green mist. Tajiri then made a comeback with a series of kicks and stomps then Dreamer hit the Spiccoli Driver for conceivably the win. Corino pulls out the ref and then Corino comes in and challenges Francine to go after him. Francine gives Corino the Pedigree and this distracts the ref. Raven then runs in with a long sleeve Infinite Body T-Shirt, DDT's Dreamer, and places Tajiri on him for the win. Tajiri then mugs for the camera.

WINNER: "The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri

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