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WWE Sunday Night HEAT: Backstage Promo: Raven: (11.24.02) - WWE HEAT comes from Bridgeport, Conneticut as we see Aaron Stevens, a former champion from the Northeastern federation Chaotic Wrestling backstage. Raven, clad in a black long sleeve shirt and wearing a gray knitcap with green braids tucked behind his ears, confronts Stevens:
Raven: "Hey Stevens. I'm going to explain to you and everyone else out there who is too simple minded last week to follow why I am compelled to create this masterpiece. It's because you, and everyone else out there, are filthy, immoral degenerates. Yet, you refuse to admit it. You hide behind a mask of normalcy. You call people like me depraved. People who aren't afraid to be who they are, in order to deflect attention from yourself. I will use the seven deadly sins as a backdrop, to illustrate the hypocrisy of mankind. This will be my masterpeice. But before I begin, I'm going to give you a chance to achieve salvation first. Admit to me now that your life is a lie. That you are a different person that you claim to be, and take your first step towards salvation. Because, have no doubt that if i must, I will hurt you. I am a righteous man on a mission and I will hurt you! If I have to."

Stevens: "I don't have anything to admit to, and I will see you in the ring tonight ... freak."

Raven: "This is going to hurt me a lot more than it's going to hurt you! Quote the Raven, nevermore."

Raven vs. Aaron Stevens - Stevens makes his way down to the ring first as he awaits the freakish man from the Bowery, Raven. "End of Everything" hits the P.A. as Raven, sporting a broccade cassock and vertical green lines on his complementing his green braids, hits the ring and does his Crucifix pose.

Stevens is the aggressor in this match-up at the onset. He batters Raven leading up to a front flip snapmare into a slingshot DDT on Raven for a 2 count. Raven charges Steven son teh corner and rams him with a series of shoulder thrusts and punches, to set up the top rope kneedrop driver. Raven mounts Stevens and punches him several times then walks off and tries an irish whip into a splash in the corner, but Aaron blocks and Raven eats a boot. Stevens runs at Raven, but Raven drops him a drop toe hold. Raven jumps on top of him and grinds Stevens' face into the mat repeatedly. Raven whips Stevens to the opposite corner of the ring and hits him with a telegraphed clothesline. Raven then connects with a "Mr. Wrestling II" kneelift and does the Crucifix pose over Stevens in goading triumph. Stevens crawls over to Raven and Raven drills him with the Raven Effect for the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Raven via pinfall. (01:47)

Raven then crawls over to Stevens after pinning him and proceeds to grab his hand and snap two of his finegrs as he pleads that he did it for Stevens' own good and it hurt Raven more than Stevens as Raven does a Crucifix pose and leaves.


WWE Sunday Night HEAT: In-Ring Promo: Raven: (11.10.02) - "End of Everything" by the band Stereomud hits the P.A. at the Fleet Center in Boston, MA announcing the impending arrival of the man from the Bowery, Raven, on HEAT. In the past few months, Raven has made allusions to a "masterpiece" - a plan he has been crafting to shine a light of truth into the hypocrisy of the WWE and its fanbase. Last week, on the 11/3 edition of HEAT, he confided to Steven Richards that he would reveal his masterpiece this week on HEAT. Raven, sporting a brocade cassock and a plaid skirt with multicolored braids comes to the ring with a microphone and proceeds to preface his masterpiece:
"If you people would cease your mindless babbling, we can begin.

For weeks now, in my personal playground, there's been inquisitive chattering regarding my masterpiece, because we as humans are naturally curious. And you see, curiosity leads to temptation and temptation leads to sin and sin, that is what my masterpiece is all about.

Now for years, you people have looked at me like I'm a freak. You've called me immoral and you've called me depraved! But as I look out, amongst you people, I see a festering mass of hypocrisy. Who are you to call me immoral? Why don't you take a good long look at yourselves!? Oh, that's right! You can't! Because you're too busy leading lives of quiet desperation without the courage to stand up to your own filthy convictions. And that is why, that is why I must complete my masterpiece; to bring salvation to your souls and to open eyes that are so blind to the truth. Quote the Raven, nevermore."


WWE Sunday Night HEAT: Backstage Promo: Raven & Steven Richards: (11.03.02) - WWE Sunday Night HEAT comes to us this week from Detroit, Michigan - home of hockey's Detroit Redwings. We go to the back to the Redwings' locker room, which serves tonight as that of former ECW Tag Team Champion Steven Richards. As Steven is watching videos to prepare for his match against D-Lo Brown, he spies Raven enter the locker room and goes to confront him. Raven is wearing a black thermal long sleeve shirt and has returned to sporting long blonde braids once again:

Stevie: "Hey! Raven!"
Raven: "Yeah?"
Stevie: "Come on, you and me go way back. This masterpiece of yours, will you please tell me -- tell me, at least tell me ... come on."
Raven: "No. Stevie, you can find out, along with everybody else, next week, just what my masterpiece is. Besides, if I were you, I'd be a little more concerned about your match with D-Lo Brown."

Raven then leaves the locker room area while Stevie sits down next to an empty chair and addresses it.

Stevie: "And they say I'm whacko."

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