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TNA iMPACT - (11.19.09)

TNA iMPACT: Raven/Stevie/Daffney Confrontation w/Mick Foley & Abyss (11.19.09) - As TNA iMPACT starts, Mick Foley, who is executive shareholder of TNA (he has a financial stake in company per storyline) makes his way to the ring followed by Abyss. Foley is paranoid about losing clout in TNA and seems more concerned about that than the eye injury he suffered last week at Raven's hands. Abyss tries to calm Mick down, but Mick insists now on revenge on Raven, who kept him from throwing Stevie on TNA and decides to book himself and Abyss in a tag team match against Raven and Stevie Richards.

Raven's music hits and Raven, Stevie and Daffney make their way to the ramp. Stevie mocks Foley's injury and says in effect that he would not be leaving TNA and Foley's injury is a consequence of that. Raven then takes the microphone and states how dissapointed he is in Foley, how the old Foley wouldve put revenge against Raven and Stevie as his main goal versus worrying about his political position in TNA and what Hulk Hogan will do once he comes to TNA. Raven then even questions whether Foley has the authority to book himself and Stevie in a match and openly questions whether he even has permission. Foley then books the match for tonight as Taz opines from the announcer's booth that in his experience, Raven and Stevie wanted Abyss and Foley tonight and Raven just used a mindgame to make sure that would happen.

Abyss is then backstage and pleads with Foley not to go through with the match as doctors says Foley could lose his sight from Raven's fireball attack. Foley says its not a problem as he continues to be preoccupied with Hogan and Dixie Carter.

Abyss then takes matters into his own hands as he flips over the receptionist table and traps Foley in his office as the match is about to get underway.

Raven & Dr. Stevie Richards w/Daffney vs. Abyss & Mick Foley

Raven & Dr. Stevie Richards w/Daffney vs. Abyss & Mick Foley - Raven and company make their way down first, followed by Abyss. As Foley's music comes on, Abyss attacks Raven and Stevie. The match becomes a brawl, with Raven hitting a side russian legsweep on Abyss. Several times, Abyss almost has one of them beat, but the other runs in. Raven tries to blind Abyss with a fireball, but gets caught by Abyss and the referee sees it and rules the match a DQ win for Abyss. However, as Taz notes, this was a setup as post match, Raven and Stevie beat Abyss down in the ring and string him up from the ropes, choking him with an electrical cord and hanging from the top rope until he passes out.

WINNER: Abyss via DQ

Backstage, Foley eventually escapes and looks angrily for Raven and Stevie. Foley sees Daffney posing at the end of the hall. As he makes his way to attack her, Raven slams a table onto Foley and makes his way up a staircase as Stevie presses the attack and says that he will haunt Foley forever. Raven chokes Foley with the electrical cord as they all mock Foley's catchphrases as he passes out.


TNA iMPACT - 11.12.09

TNA iMPACT!: Raven Re-Debut: Abyss vs. Dr. Stevie w/Daffney (11.12.09) - In this match-up Dr. Stevie's career was on the line as ordered by Mick Foley against the Monster Abyss. Abyss caught Stevie in a Black Hole Slam and that seemed to be the end of Dr. Stevie's match and his career, until the lights went out at the arena. When they came back on, both men were down and Daffney screamed at Stevie to pin Abyss which he did for the 3. Foley looked confused as Mike Tenay and Taz argued at the annoucer's booth over whether Daffney or even Foley had knocked out Abyss. Foley went in to check on Abyss and stop Stevie's post match beatdown. As Foley raised a chair to hit Stevie, the lights went out and a figure hit Foley with a fireball. When the lights went back on - RAVEN was in the ring and he hit Foley witha Raven Effect to punctuate the fire injury. Raven, Stevie and Daffney posed triumphantly as Foley was attended by EMTs.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Raven, Stevie and Daffney. Stevie and Raven maniacally went off on Foley and Abyss, with Raven telling Foley to stay away - recalling when Foley got in his way with Tommy Dreamer, Raven burned Terry Funk, and Raven and Abyss had unfinished business.

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